Identification, Design and Implementation of Subprojects Supporting Livelihood Options for Local Community

This intervention is originally planned to be launched in the 2nd half (3rd year) of the project. The ToR for the national consultants for identification and design of livelihood subprojects in Sudan pilot site was prepared by PERSGA and approved for NO by the WB in June 2015, the national consultant was then hired and started work by the beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2015. By November 2015, the inception report submitted by the national consultant was cleared. The 1st consultation meeting with community and expert key informant group was held on November 26th 2015, which focused on options for fishery sector. A capacity building workshop on application of ecosystem approach and co-management principles in selection and implementation of livelihoods subprojects was organized during December 14th - 16th 2015 in Port Sudan. National consultation meetings followed to cover all relevant sectors such as ecotourism, handcraft and small household business, etc., along with capacity building activities appropriate to the selected subprojects.