What is biofouling?

Biofouling is described as the undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, algae, plants and animals on submerged structures (especially ships’ hulls). The introduction and establishment of Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) is considered to be one of the greatest threats to the world’s freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems. A multitude of marine species may survive to establish a reproductive population in the host environment, becoming invasive, out-competing native species and multiplying into pest proportions.

The global economic impacts of IAS, including through disruption to fisheries, biofouling of coastal industry and infrastructure and interference with human amenity, have been estimated at several hundred million dollars per year.  The main vectors for unintentional transfer of non-indigenous species are ships’ ballast water, biofouling of mobile marine structures and aquaculture. 

Ship’s biofouling types

Ships biofouling can be divided onto two types:

1.Microscopic marine bio-fouling (or micro-fouling)

These are layer of microorganisms including bacteria, diatoms and the sticky substances it produces. They are known as the colloidal layer, and the microscopic (or small-sized) marine bio fouling can usually be removed by swiping the finger lightly over the surface.

2.Macroscopic marine bio-fouling (macro-fouling)

These marine organisms are macroscopic, and multicellular organisms are prominent, faintly visible to the eye, such as barnacles, large tubular worms, mussels, algae fronds and any other connected or mobile organisms.


