This workshop in Djibouti came in the framework of organizing national follow up activities in order to validate the national legislation assessment report findings and recommendations, raise awareness and to build up momentum for the follow-up actions in the member states, in order to support stakeholders’ engagement in mainstreaming EBM principles in national laws, policies and management plans. The workshop was attended by 42 participants, representing government institutes and stakeholders representatives of fishery associations and communities in coastal areas, including Djibouti city, Obock and Tadjurah districts. Presentations in the workshop were delivered by the international consultant, regional consultant, national consultant and the regional PERSGA/ LMR coordinator. The presentations focused on EBM and co-management principles and their application in management of fishery and aquaculture practices. Interpretation to French and local Afari and Somali languages were provided, which helped to enhance discussions between the workshop technical team and the participants, as well as between the government officials, NGOs and stakeholders. Following the workshop, the national consultant worked to incorporate remarks by key agencies and stakeholders in the national assessment report, and submitted the final report in French version.
The workshop had tangible impacts in creating momentum for national efforts to consider actions recommended by the assessment to encourage mechanisms for stakeholders’ involvement in planning and management of living marine resources in Djibouti. It has also provided a platform to discuss policy options for increasing the net benefits from living marine resources through adoption of best practices and diversification of their uses, such as encouraging diving tourism and sustainable aquaculture, in addition to improving fishery legislation, monitoring, control and surveillance. Potential and options for on-ground activities, in light of the guidelines and examples provided by SEM experience of developing community based subprojects at pilot sites in Dungonab Bay-Mukkwar Island Marine National in Sudan and Wadi-el-Gemal MPA in Egypt
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