798Workshop and Demonstration Mission for Wadi El-Gemal-Hamata NP, Marsa Alam, Egypt, March 22nd-24th 2016

Workshop and Demonstration Mission for Wadi El-Gemal-Hamata NP, Marsa Alam, Egypt, March 22nd-24th 2016

Feb 19 ,2024 1 Minutes To Full Read

A three day workshop was conducted at Wadi el-Gemal-Hamata NP including one day of presentations and two days of field work at Wadi El-Gemal-Hamata NP produced useful outcomes that will be used as lessons learned for other countries. About 17 participants from PERSGA member countries were attended in this mission. The workshop included presentations of the SEM Project on the management and resources of the Park and on the monitoring activities inside the park. This was followed by demonstration of the process of daily management of the resources of the parks. Participants visited the important sites and flagships inside Wadi El-Gemal-Hamata National Park such as the fishers’ village (Al-Qulaan Village) to identify the role of locals for the conservation of the mangroves and other marine resources, and also to see the role of local women in contributing to the family income by selling handicrafts.

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