This workshop in Sudan, also comes in this framework of organizing national follow up activities in order to discuss and validate the national legislation assessment findings and recommendations, and to build up momentum for the follow-up actions in the member states, in order to support mainstreaming EBM principles in national laws, policies and management plans. The workshop was held in combination with the 1st capacity building workshop focusing on applying Ecosystem Approach principles in identification of livelihoods subprojects during 14-16 December 2015. It was attended by 45 participants, including representatives of national agencies and stakeholders, the national and international consultants of components 1 and 2, national coordinator and PERSGA PCU members. It has thus provided an excellent platform to discuss all legislation and governance issues related to fishery management and the draft management plan of Dungonab National Marine Park.
Presentations in the workshop were delivered by the international consultants, national consultant and the regional PERSGA/ LMR coordinator, which were interconnected by discussion sessions. The main outcomes of the workshop included validation and enrichment of the national assessment results and recommendations on policy and legislation required to mainstream of EBM and co-management principles; discussing governance and related organizational issues as part of the MPA management plan; and a road map for follow up activities regarding LMR legislations/policies and management reforms. Furthermore, experts from the UNESCO Chair for Marine Science and National Committee for Education, Science and Culture, who are in charge of national submission of application to consider Sanganeb Marine National Park and Dungonab Bay – Mukkawar Island Marine National Park as a World Heritage (natural) Site were invited to participate in the workshop, whereby part of the discussion was focused on synergies between SEM interventions and the recognition process, particularly the tangible impacts of these interventions in supporting the MPA management capacities and strengthening overall governance through legislation and policy reforms
Following the workshop, the national consultant worked to collect remarks by key agencies and stakeholders to be considered in the national assessment report. The final report will be then submitted to A national committee of all relevant stakeholders with mandate of proposing legislation reforms and follow up with national legislative authorities to back up the proposal; which will be formed and coordinated during the next phase of the project.
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National Workshop on Environmental Monitoring and Communicating with Stakeholders Applying …

Consultation Mission in Dungunab and Mukkawar Island National Park Meeting …

Follow up of Monitoring Activities and Procurement of Monitoring Equipment